MDT Explanation
Child Abuse Multidisiplinary Team (MDT):
Have you ever wondered what happened after you make your mandatory report to the hotline or law enforcement?
It is cross reported between the law enforcement and child welfare department at the local jurisdiction. It is then shared with Lincoln County’s designated multidisciplinary team which includes the agency partners listed below and the Children’s Advocacy Center. In 1991, the Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill 2882, which mandated the creation of 35 Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) to assess child abuse investigation procedures in each county in the state (ORS 418.747). That is assembled by the local District Attorney. The MDT is a group of professionals that work together in a coordinated and collaborative manner to ensure an effective response to reports of child abuse and neglect. The MDT's primary purpose is to review, assess, and coordinate each member's role in all suspected child abuse cases in the county. The multidisciplanary plan provides for comprehensive services to the victims of
child abuse, including assessment, advocacy and treatment to minimize additional trauma to the
child victim.
Since 2008, Karly's Law has helped thousands of Oregon children receive medical care and support related to suspected abuse. Karly was a three year old Corvallis girl who died from abuse after allegations went unchecked. Karly’s Law mandates that children in Oregon who exhibit suspicious or known physical injuries in the course of a child abuse investigation must receive medical attention within 48 hours.
To promote a basic understanding of Karly’s Law and it’s requirements, The Oregon Network of Child Abuse Intervention Centers and the Oregon Department of Justice created a training video, “What You Need to Know about Karly’s Law,” (http://www.childabuseintervention.org/karlyslaw/) for Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) members in
Oregon and anyone at any MDT member agency who is involved in child abuse investigations. This video is made possible by funding from the Children’s Justice Act Task Force Subcommittee of the Child Welfare Advisory Council. Suspicion that injuries are caused by abuse must be addressed in the coordinated comprehensive way required by Karly’s Law. For more information about protocol and procedures please see Karly’s Law ORS 419B.022 through
419B.024. (information provided from http://www.doj.state.or.us/victims/pages/karlys_law.aspx) The various agencies and departments responsible for the protection of children must be united in a collaborative effort to respond with the recognition that no one agency by itself could assure the protection of children. Only by working as a multidisciplinary team could we effectively